11 Trends That Are Going Rule In Digital Transformation In 2021

What is the secret formula to succeed in digital transformation? One of the fundamental elements is to know the trends in digital transformation that are working best and that you must implement in your company for 2021. It is also essential to understand what technologies are to come and have them identified.
We are in a time of change where technology rules. In 2013, a leading expert from the Gartner consultancy said for the first time that “all organizations are technology companies.”
Efficiently storing user data in the cloud remains one of the biggest challenges for this year.
Technology has completely changed the way we understand business. The demands of the clients are more and more demanding than ever, and therefore the processes to implement the best technologies are also being accelerated.
To stay on top, many companies have incorporated highly innovative tools that have performed better and worse. So we are going to analyze the trends that work and those that could work in this guide.
11 trends in digital transformation
We are adopting what new technologies had already entered a new phase that is beginning to see its first results around the world. The next stage of the digital transformation process will bring new technologies from which pilot projects will emerge, and so on’.
We summarize below the 11 trends that you have to follow so that you do not get lost along the way and continue to set the pace as before. We started!
The jewel of infrastructure providers for telecommunications. As the use of 4G is being massive in the most developed countries, the saturation effects are essential and negatively impact the results of many businesses. 5G is here to solve this problem, and, as expected, the expectations are enormous.
The penetration of this type of technology in a new smartphone generation may not be as fast as expected. But it will be tight in sectors such as industrials, health, and smart cities that will give connectivity to the Internet of Things technologies, which will be the key to disruption in these areas.
A new Wifi 6 standard is expected to improve connection capacity in businesses – and homes – worldwide. This would respond to the estimated increase, which can reach up to 50%, in organizations’ volume of connected devices.
This new network will provide better management of these connections, providing efficiency, speed and bandwidth. The expected arrival will be throughout this year and will be a perfect complement to the development of 5G.
Real-time data analytics is one of the most significant milestones in the digital transformation process.
Real-time data analysis is establishing itself as one of the most significant milestones in the digital transformation process. This challenge is being led by large technology companies betting on emerging companies specializing in this field. Business intelligence and customer experience are the two main areas benefiting from this advance.
AI and Machine Learning
The source where data analytics drinks are in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. The rapid development of these two technologies provides, according to experts, more incredible speed, scalability and convenience.
The powerful algorithms of these two technologies solve tasks that could take years in a minimum of time. This will revolutionize the future of analytics software that is already incorporating it for use in the coming years.
AI and machine learning will revolutionize the future of analytics software.
In 2019 many initiatives related to blockchain had not come to fruition. The best success stories of blockchain technology are found in the food industry, intellectual property and real estate. It is expected to expand in 2020 towards finance or public administrations.
Connected vehicles and smart cities
Much has been said about these two incorporations in our daily lives. Its implementation will depend on developing the necessary infrastructures within cities and the impulse that 5G, IoT and edge computing take.
RPA solutions
Robotic process automation is one of the most visible faces of AI. The path that is gaining strength is to complement specific tasks of the workforce in companies.
Conversational AI
This will be the year when new AI-based conversational interfaces are expected. Its launch will depend on the development of natural language by hardware and sound capture devices prepared for its detection even in noisy environments.
ACPC, Always Connected PCs
To drive the development of mobility, the concept of Always Connected Personal Computer arises. It will depend on the improvement of connections (5G) and, above all, from now on, on the development of better batteries that support this trend and provide autonomy.
Cyber security
Efficiently saving user data in the cloud remains one of the biggest challenges for this year. New forms of security and privacy have been incorporated to protect user information. The key will be to develop transparent processes that protect company data without losing agility.
Digital privacy
The significant trend of this year is a great challenge for the next ones. Governments are designing more restrictive laws, and the traditional ways of collecting data and information are being abandoned.
Essential companies are working on offering a new model that improves the user experience and also protects it.
Get ready to abandon the traditional ways of collecting data and information.
In the end, the digital transformation formula responds to leaving behind the old schemes, being creative and betting on the best talent in the organization to develop the best processes.
These out of the box processes will be the ones that incorporate the best technologies to promote them. Significant innovations are yet to come, and the cloud, IoT, and edge computing are beginning to take hold.