Best Whatsapp Tricks, Tips And The Hidden Features In It

Whatsapp Tricks
Whatsapp is one of the most used messenger apps ever. There are many functions and Whatsapp Tricks that hardly anyone knows about. Here, we have put together an overview of hidden functions and valuable tips and tricks for better use of Whatsapp.
Millions of people use the WhatsApp messenger service every day. But few people know that the messenger app, which now belongs to Facebook, offers many hidden functions.
Some of these hidden features in Whatsapp and Whatsapp Tricks are for better handling, some for better disk space management, and others are related to privacy.
Here is a list of tips and tricks for better use of Whatsapp and many hidden functions that hardly anyone knows.
Fix microphone: Record voice messages finger-free
The recording function can be locked to record long voice messages without having to keep your finger on the record button.
To do this, press the record button with your finger, drag it to the lock symbol and release it. When the recording is complete, tap the send button.
Listen to voice messages before sending.
To listen to voice messages that have just been recorded before they are sent, tap on the desired chat contact in the top left and then on the “back arrow”. This way, the voice message can be checked or deleted and re-recorded.
Delete Whatsapp messages afterwards
If a message has been accidentally sent, it can be selected with a long click on the message and subsequently deleted by tapping on “Delete”.
The recipient only sees the message “This message has been deleted”. However, the delete function is only possible if the recipient has not yet read the message or the media has not been downloaded.
Turn off read receipts: Disable blue ticks on Whatsapp.
The two blue ticks in a Whatsapp message indicate that the message has been sent, received and read. If you want to turn off this feature, you can disable the read receipt on Whatsapp and one of the Whatsapp Tricks.
To do this, go to the settings and the “Account” menu item. Go to the “Privacy Policy” and uncheck “Read Receipts”.
The blue ticks are now turned off in self-sent messages. Attention: The read receipts are no longer visible to the sender and other messages. So you won’t see any more read receipts yourself.
Turned off read receipts: See when a message has been read.
Once read receipts are disabled, the blue ticks are not visible to the sender or recipient. To still check how much time has elapsed between receiving and reading a message, you can long-press the message in question to call up the menu. If the “I” is now selected in the menu, the information “delivered” and “read” with the time are visible.
Quote: Reply directly to group messages
Have you ever lost track in a Whatsapp group with several participants? To respond specifically to individual messages, an old feature from the days of Internet forums can be used in Messenger: “Quotes” or “Quotes”.
The actual message you want to reply to is attached to your reply. This also helps the other group members to keep an overview since it is immediately apparent which message the reply refers to.
Swipe your finger from left to right over the message you want to reply to. Alternatively, “Reply” can be selected by holding down the corresponding message from the open menu.
Mute WhatsApp group chats
Whatsapp groups can be pretty annoying in the long run. It helps that notifications can be deactivated for each group. To do this, tap on the group name at the top and activate “Mute notifications”.
A menu appears where you can set whether new messages should still be displayed and how long the mute should last. Eight hours, a week or a year, can be selected here by default.
Text formatting: Write bold, strikethrough or italics in Whatsapp
The text of self-written messages can be displayed in bold, strikethrough or italics. To bold text, *asterisks*, strikethrough text ~tildes~, and italic text _underscores_ must be placed before and after the word.
Alternatively, text formatting can be selected from a menu that opens by marking the text to be changed. This is one of the Whatsapp Tricks
Search gifs and emojis by keyword and find them faster
You can tap on the magnifying glass in the emoji menu to find particular emotions among the existing emojis without searching for a long time. If a keyword is entered here, Whatsapp suggests suitable emojis, which can be sent quickly.
Create and send gifs yourself
To send your short videos as gifs, record a short video within Whatsapp using the camera function and then tap on the gif symbol at the top right.
Whatsapp converts the video into a gif and only then sends it. This saves a lot of storage space and data volume.
Stick emojis on photos and create your memes on Whatsapp
Emojis can convey emotions not only in text messages. Photos can also be equipped with smiles and symbols. Take a photo on Whatsapp or select one from the gallery.
Once the photo has been opened, a context menu will appear at the top of the screen. There the picture can be cropped, painted or enhanced with emojis. This procedure also works for gifs. Pro tip: You can also easily create and send memes this way.
Change font in WhatsApp
Whatsapp also offers a different font than the normal one. Whatsapp’s font is slightly wider than the standard font. To select the font, an accent grave ` must be inserted three times before and after the desired word.
The character looks like an apostrophe, is very small and can be found on Android devices on the second special characters page. Apple users can find the Accent Grave by holding down the apostrophe. In the text field, it should now look like this: “` new font “`
Listen to voice messages without everyone overhearing.
Most Whatsapp users listen to the voice messages they receive through their smartphone speakers – often to annoy those in the immediate vicinity. It doesn’t have to be.
Tap the voice message to listen to it as usual and hold the smartphone to your ear as if you wanted to make a call. The voice message is no longer played back over the loudspeakers but over the earpiece like a regular telephone call.
Send PDFs, Mp3 and other file formats on Whatsapp.
In Whatsapp, images, voice recordings, and many other file formats can be sent as attachments. To do this, tap on the paper clip in the text field and select “Documents”. PDF, Mp3 and many other formats can be selected and sent here. Even those that cannot be opened on the smartphone. This option is advantageous when Whatsapp is used on a PC or Mac.
Protect against excessive data usage (disable media auto-download)
In order not to automatically download every received image or video, which is the default setting, this option can be switched off.
This helps prevent excessive data waste and frees up space on the smartphone. This is a valuable feature, especially in busy group chats.
To disable automatic media download, go to Settings and tap on “Data and Storage Usage”. You can select which media should be downloaded automatically or only after an explicit request.
For example, if a video is now received, the download symbol must first be tapped to download and view the content.
Privacy: Hide profile pictures and status messages and turn off “Last seen”.
Strangers not on your friend’s list can also be in Whatsapp groups. This information can be hidden to hide certain information, such as the profile picture or status updates from strangers.
To do this, tap on the three dots in the top right corner of the main chat menu and then go to “Settings”. In the following menu, tap on the menu item “Account” and then on “Privacy”. Here you can select who can see the profile picture, status updates or the “last seen” information.
Block or mute people on Whatsapp
If you block individual people on Whatsapp, you will no longer receive any messages from that person and will make yourself “invisible” to the person concerned.
Android users have to click on the three dots in the top right corner of the chat with the concerned person, select “More” in the open menu and then select “Block”.
Suppose you tap “Mute notifications” instead of “More”. In that case, new messages from the person will no longer be displayed automatically, but they can still be viewed when the sender’s chat window is opened.
iOS users click on the contact’s name and can block, mute the contact and select other functions in the “Contact Info”.
Send double-size emojis
Sometimes words fail you. In this case, emojis were sent without comment help. If the small smileys are sent without additional text, they appear in double size in the recipient’s text field.
Recognize chain letters in Whatsapp (redirects)
Chain letters were considered annoying even before Whatsapp times. You can see if the message has been forwarded by looking at the small arrows that appear above a received message.
An arrow means the message has been forwarded once before. Two arrows mean that the message has already been forwarded several times.
Free up storage space by removing media
Whatsapp automatically saves everything sent and received in its folder. This folder can grow very large over time and take up valuable disk space.
To create storage space on the smartphone, sent and downloaded media can be deleted from Whatsapp without deleting the entire chat.
To do this, tap on “Data and storage usage” in the settings and then on “Storage usage”. Then the chat is selected from which media should be deleted and tapped on “Manage”.
Here you can select whether text, photos, videos or voice messages should be deleted. All media can also be deleted at the same time.
Video call and video conference on Whatsapp
If you are in the chat window of contact, you can start a video call by tapping on the video symbol at the top of the screen. It’s good to know, especially in times of Corona:
You can use the “plus” symbol to add more participants to the call. Video conferences via Whatsapp are possible with up to eight people simultaneously.